Saturday, 28 January 2012

Still Humungus

First things first: Colfax and myself just noticed that we talk with a drawl. Is funny-like, how we didn't notice that ourselves until we caught the kid mimicking us.

Right - the kid. Annoying little varmint. Didn't talk much when Colfax went and talked with his kin. Made a peep after we caught a ride with them, and I offered to make some trades with all pretty Stuff.

After the ride, we parted ways with the Bus People, and set out in a neighborly sort of direction. And along comes the kid, asking for us to come back with him to help out his sickly pa. And damned if we didn't get threatened by those selfsame Bussers when we got there.

Hell, the old man even wasted a bullet trying to scare us off. Damned fool.

Anyhows, I am not surely understanding how it happened, but we agreed to help the old fool and his annoying spawn, and even-more-unkindly wife, get into the city to look for medicines that might help.

Seems that the unlucky fellow happened across a cache of functioning tech, and got shot with radioactive projectiles by some nasty sorts. He told us the location, though I'm not of an inclination to go looking for it unless I get all sorts of less green than I am now. I suspect the same goes for Colfax - excepting if he finds out the be mutants, of course. He don't abide no mutants.

So, off we go: to yonder city...

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Pokka Lips

My name is Humungus. Because my parents thought they were sooooo funny. My partner's name is Colfax. I assume because his parents were just plain mean. We're both very sneaky. There's the remains of a pre-tribulation city nearby, and we scavenge there regularly when we can for useful Stuff. But for the last while we've been out in the wilds picking up food - and we discovered a cache with as much as we could carry.

Only problem: as we left, a pair of big hunting cats got our scent. We crept up to the roof of an old house to lose the first one we saw, hoping it was an accidental encounter and would avoid us. But instead, it took up position in some obscuring bushes nearby and pretended to wait impatiently for us. Colfax went down, to try to lure it out into the open so I could pick it off with my rifle, but we discovered that it had a partner waiting to pounce from our flank. I used up 7 of my remaining 20 bullets stopping those two damn cats. Colfax got bit a little, but it was just a nibble. With our packs bulging with food, we couldn't even eat the damn things back nohow.

We left immediately, in a subtle-wise manner, for worries of adventurous-type people coming to see how many more bullets we had left. With 9 days of food on us, we decided to head back towards the city for some more scavenging.

On our way, we can across a group of people on the old roadway with their old rolling land-boat blocked by a junker. Before we could properly contemplate whether to help them or not, they were set upon by some raiding riders. Being fine upstanding citizens of the pokka lips, and generally preferring to take the weapons of the raiders over those of the raid-ees, we assisted with some tactical gun play.

As soon as the fighting was over, with their two riflemen down, their leader falling off his horse a little ways into the woods, and the other two getting clean away, Colfax and myself helped ourselves to some rifles.

I suppose the thing to do now is to have ourselves a chat with those people we just helped...