Ug. <kill all mutants> We got to the city to looks for some doctor like folks, and whadya think happens as soon as we come into town. Some ruffians <kill all mutants> decide to pick a fight with us. Well, actually, we shot first, but there was no doubt in our minds that they were gonna try to kill us. They wuz look'n at us funny. <kill all mutants> And well, one of them was a mutant <KILL ALL MUTANTS>, so they had to die.
Problem they had was that they only had one guy with a gun, so we started blasting him, even though it was really hard not to shoot at the mutant who was runin' at us with some pointy arm bone thang. Before they got too close, I decided to do my survival bit and drew them away from Humungus so he could shoot with impunity. (ya like, that word? Just learn'd it last week. Impunity. I like it.) Oh, and at some point we dropped the dude with the gun, so that make things much easier.
Then something 'orrible happened. The damn fools gave up! Here we were, poised to kill one of our first mutants and he went and did something sensible and ran off. How'da'ya like that? Blast. Well, anyway, we got ourselves some loot and the townsfolk were quite nice to us after that.
We found ourselves a doctor who was quite nice and he healed us up good and healed up the old dude we wuz protect'n. Sounds like we're gonna stay here a bit and help the doc secure the town.
Oh, and, um... by the way... KILL ALL MUTANTS! Damn mutants...